Landfill Contamination
Most of the trash we produce in this country goes right into landfills—and that can be harmful to the environment in several ways. Landfills take up space that could be used for other purposes, including habitats for animals and plants. Landfill contamination, which causes the pollution of nearby water sources, can occur if leachate—liquid that contains dissolved chemicals—leaks out of landfills. Landfills can pollute the air as well, by releasing greenhouse gases like methane. And finally, throwing away materials like glass and aluminum rather than recycling them means that more energy needs to be used to create new materials—and that releases more greenhouse gases that contribute to global climate change. Find out more by exploring these links:
> Landfill Problems
(from LoveToKnow)
> Landfills
(from Environmental Protection Agency
> Methane – The Other Greenhouse Gas
(from PBS LearningMedia )
> Land Facts Sheet
(from Maryland Department of the Environment)