Appendix D: Assessment Rubrics
T-Shirt Presentation Rubric
Criteria |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
Eco-friendly materials are used and reasoning behind choices is explained |
Few eco-friendly choices and minimal reasoning |
Several eco-friendly choices and reasoning is somewhat clear |
Several eco-friendly choices and reasoning is clear |
Many eco-friendly choices and reasoning is clear |
Eco-friendly practices are used and reasoning behind choices is explained |
Few eco-friendly choices and minimal reasoning |
Several eco-friendly choices and reasoning is somewhat clear |
Several eco-friendly choices and reasoning is clear |
Many eco-friendly choices and reasoning is clear |
Cost is $17 or below |
No |
ᅠ |
ᅠ |
Yes |
Design is attractive |
Design is confusing or unfinished |
Design is reasonable |
Design is attractive and creative |
Design is well-balanced, creative, attractive and well thought out |
Cause is clear and prominent |
No |
Not easy to identify |
Clear |
Clear and engaging |
All team members participate in the presentation |
Team roles are not clear and participation from all members is not evident |
Team roles are somewhat clear and participation from all members is somewhat evident |
Team roles are mostly clear and participation from all members is mostly evident |
Team roles are clear and participation from all members is evident |